Confocal immunofluorescence projections showing colocalization of NKB (red fluorescence, Cy3) and kisspeptin (green fluorescence, Alexa 488) positive perikarya and fiber networks in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and median eminence (ME), respectively, of a castrated adult male rhesus monkey. A–C, Confocal projections (magnification, ×10; 1-μm optical sections) showing immunopositive kisspeptin (A) and NKB (B) profiles and their merged image (C) in a coronal hemisection taken through the ARC. The third ventricle (3V) is seen on the right hand side of the half section. Note that the colocalization of NKB with kisspeptin (yellow) in both ARC and ME. D and E, Higher magnification (×40, 1-μm optical sections) confocal projections taken from the ARC (D) and the ME (E) of the section shown in A–C. Note that the colocalization of NKB and kisspeptin in many of the ARC kisspeptin positive perikarya (D) and in kisspeptin axonal projections in the ME (E). Scale bar, 100 μm (A–C) and 20 μm (D and E).