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. 2009 Dec 22;12(2):164–172. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nop019

Table 2.

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics for all patients

Variable NCCTG (n = 469; No. [%]) NABTC (n = 596; No. [%]) All (n = 1065; No. [%])
 Age (years) median (range) 52.2 (18.2–81.2) 49.3 (20.2–84.5) 50.9 (18.2–84.5)
  Male 294 (63) 382 (64) 676 (64)
  Female 175 (37) 214 (36) 389 (36)
  White 416 (99) 556 (93) 972 (95)
  Nonwhite 6 (1) 40 (7) 46 (5)
  Missing 47 0 47
 Baseline ECOG performance score
  ≤1 278 (59) 565 (95) 843 (79)
  ≥2 190 (41) 31 (5) 221 (21)
  Missing 1 0 1
 Year of study entry
  1980–1989 152 (32) 0 (0) 152 (14)
  1990–1999 223 (48) 188 (32) 411 (39)
  2000–2004 94 (20) 408 (68) 502 (47)
 Time since initial diagnosis (weeks) Mean (range) 87 (9–1233) 95 (10–814) 91 (9–1233)
 Initial grade
  II 35 (8) 55 (11) 90 (9)
  III 74 (17) 88 (17) 162 (17)
  IV 339 (76) 372 (72) 711 (74)
  Missing 21 81 102
 Last known grade
  III 90 (19) 159 (27) 249 (23)
  IV 379 (81) 437 (73) 816 (77)
 Last known histology
  Anaplastic astrocytoma 59 (13) 101 (17) 160 (15)
  Anaplastic oligodendroglioma 18 (4) 39 (7) 57 (5)
  Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma 19 (4) 19 (3) 38 (4)
  Glioblastoma multiforme 341 (74) 437 (73) 778 (74)
  Grade IV oligoastrocytoma 26 (6) 0 (0) 26 (2)
  Missing 6 0 6
 Extent of primary resection
  None 3 (1) 0 (0) 3 (0)
  Biopsy 86 (20) 128 (24) 214 (22)
  Subtotal resection 216 (51) 245 (47) 461 (48)
  Gross total resection 123 (29) 154 (29) 277 (29)
  Missing 41 69 110
 Baseline steroid use
  Yes 279 (75) 326 (55) 605 (63)
  No 92 (25) 270 (45) 362 (37)
  Missing 98 0 98
 Baseline anticonvulsant use
  Yes 103 (60) 461 (77) 564 (73)
  No 70 (40) 135 (23) 205 (27)
  Not defined/unknown 296 0 296
 Prior chemotherapy
  Yes 388 (83) 459 (77) 847 (80)
  No 79 (17) 136 (23) 215 (20)
  Missing 2 1 3
 Prior nitrosoureas
  Yes 240 (62) 220 (37) 460 (47)
  No 149 (38) 376 (63) 525 (53)
  Missing 80 0 80
New Factors
 Prior TMZ use
  Yes NA 292 (49) 292 (49)
  No NA 304 (51) 304 (51)
 Type of treatment center
  Academic 131 (28) 596 (100) 727 (68)
  Community 338 (72) 0 (0) 338 (32)
 Number of prior relapses
  ≤1 412 (100) 475 (90) 887 (94)
  ≥2 0 (0) 56 (10) 56 (6)
  Missing 57 65 122
 Initial low-grade histology
  Yes 35 (8) 55 (10) 90 (9)
  No 413 (92) 476 (90) 889 (91)
  Missing 21 65 86
 Current TMZ
  Yes 0 (0) 202 (34) 202 (19)
  No 469 (100) 394 (66) 863 (81)

Abbreviations: NABTC, North American Brain Tumor Consortium; NCCTG, North Central Cancer Treatment Group; TMZ, temozolomide.