Table 2.
Operational definitions, measurement instrument, and available metric properties of predictor variables
Variable | Measurement Instrument |
Patient-centred care | The score for each care dimension is calculated as the mean and then standardized to a 0-to-10 metric. |
Relational continuity: A therapeutic relationship between a patient and one or more providers that spans various health care events and results in accumulated knowledge of the patient and care consistent with the patient's needs. |
Duration of the relationship - <1 year, 1-3 years, > 3 years (1 item). Primary Care Assessment Survey (PCAS)[74]. Contextual Knowledge of Patient sub-scale (5 items). Rating of regular doctor's knowledge of whole medical history, personal situation, and values on a Likert scale from "poor" (1) to "excellent" (6). α = 0.90. |
Interpersonal Communication: The ability of the provider to elicit and understand patient concerns, explain healthcare issues. |
PCAS Communication Scale - (6 items). Rating of quality of thoroughness of history taking, listening skills, explanations on a Likert scale from "poor" (1) to "excellent" (6) α = 0.93. |
Shared-decision making and empowerment: Ongoing cooperative process between patients and providers to define goals, identify strategies, assume responsibility for implementation of decisions and share accountability for outcomes. |
Interpersonal Processes of Care (IPC) [75]. Patient-centred decision making sub-scale (4 items). Empowerment sub-scale (5 items). Frequency of self-efficacy support from providers for self-management and healthy lifestyle on a Likert scale from "never" (1) to "almost always" (5) α = 0.91. |
Respectfulness: The extent to which health professionals and support staff meet users expectations about interpersonal treatment, demonstrate respect for the dignity of patients and provide adequate privacy. |
Interpersonal Processes of Care [78]. Office staff respectfulness sub-scale (4 items) on a Likert scale from "never" (1) to "almost always" (5) α = 0.93. Patient perception on quality of care - Physical facilities - ratings of physical facilities including cleanliness and privacy.(3 items). |
Effectiveness of Care | |
First-contact accessibility: The ease with which a person can obtain needed care (including advice and support) from the practitioner of choice within a time frame appropriate to the urgency of the problem. |
Haggerty, Levesque & Roberge 2007 (unpublished) (5 items). First-contact accessibility consequences due to accessibility barriers. |
Organizational accessibility or accommodation: The way primary healthcare resources are organized to accommodate a wide range of patients' abilities to contact healthcare providers and reach healthcare services. (The organization of characteristics such as telephone services, flexible appointment systems, hours of operation, and walk-in periods). |
Haggerty, Levesque & Roberge 2007 (unpublished) (7 items). Measure of capacity of regular clinic to adapt to clients' ability to obtain services and differences in problem urgency. α = 0.68. PCAS Organizational access sub-scale (5 items). Rating of opening hours, ability to reach clinic by telephone, wait time for appointment on a Likert scale from "poor" (1) to "excellent" (6) α = 0.83. |
Overall coordination of care between providers: The delivery of services by different providers in a timely and complementary manner such that care is connected and coherent. |
Veterans Administration Outpatient Customer Satisfaction Survey [78]. Overall coordination sub-scale (6 items). Reporting of problems with information and communication linkage between all providers seen. α = 0.74. |
Preventive care: Blood pressure check Pap smear Mammogram Eye examination Colorectal cancer screening Cholesterol screening Flu shot Health promotion: Providing individuals with advice and tools to make informed lifestyle decisions that improve their health and well-being. |
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Questionnaire - CCHS p.67 - 84 (6 items). Self reported occurrence in period of time corresponding to prevention guidelines. Good reliability and validity, except mammogram, pap smear, and cholesterol where reliability and validity is only moderate [84]. Adapted list from the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) comprehensiveness sub-scale (6 items). Recall of regular provider assessing risk for and giving advice about eating habits, alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, occupational risks, prevention of falls, emotional health, family violence on a scale of "definitely not" (1) to "definitely (4). |
Chronic Illness Care: Care for chronic illness that is patient-centred, proactive, planned and includes collaborative goal setting; problem-solving and follow-up support. |
Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) [80]. Sub-scales for Activation, Goal setting and Problem solving- reported frequency of provider actions and planning around self-care for chronic conditions (10 items) α = 0.82, 0.84, and 0.90 respectively (includes elements of shared-decision making). |
Patient safety: Medical errors Medication review Patient education |
Commonwealth fund Patient Safety questions [87]. Receiving incorrect medication or dose, or incorrect or missing test results. (2 items). Last time medication review done (1 item). IPC - frequency of being told of medication effects and side effects (2 items). |
Income | Total household income from all sources. Adapted from CCHS p.280-284 (1 item). |
Household Possession | Household possession of car. Owned accommodation and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) [25] (3 items). |
Social support | Help with activities of daily living, care and affection, leisure and fun activities, confiding in CCHS (4 items). |
NB - Reported alpha coefficients (α) refer to statistics obtained in our validation study of different instruments (Haggerty, Levesque & Roberge 2007, unpublished).