A. Mammary tumor cryosections from control and stressed mice were immunostained with anti-β2AR (green) (i, iv) and anti-F4/80 (red) (ii, v), and nuclear counterstained with Hoechst 33324 (blue) (iii, vi). B. CD11b+F4/80+ cells were quantified by flow cytometry in disaggregated 66cl4 primary tumors harvested 28 days after inoculation. C,D. Macrophage infiltration of mammary tumors was visualized by immunostaining with anti-F4/80 (red) and nuclei counterstained (blue) in tumors harvested at day 28 from saline- or isoproterenol-treated mice (C) or stressed mice treated with placebo vs. propranolol (D), and quantified across sections from multiple mice (n = 5/gp). Scale bars: 30µm.