IP with Als2cr4 and IB analysis verified interacting partners. The retinas of LA WT mice were used to immunoprecipitate novel Als2cr4-interacting partners. Individual membranes were probed with the indicated antibody (left) followed by secondary goat anti-rabbit HRP-conjugated antibody for ECL detection. Lane 1: experimental precleared beads; lane 2: experimental precleared supernatants; and lane 3: eluted antigens immunoprecipitated with 10 μg of FLJ-FM pAb. Results showed that Als2cr4 specifically immunoprecipitated myosin Va, myosin VI, and Arr4. The positive control showed that Als2cr4 was present in the eluted fraction (lane 3), and the negative control showed that Arr1 bound nonspecifically to the beads, was present in the supernatants, and did not interact with Als2cr4. Molecular mass markers (kilodaltons) are identified on the right. Bottom: light chain IgG.