HI causes loss of oligodendroglial cells within the corpus callosum. In contrast to GFP findings, immunofluorescence for Olig1 did not show an increase in Olig1+ cells 7 dpl within the striatum: control (magnification ×40, scale bar = 50 μm) (A), lesion (A′), quantification of Olig1+ cells (error bars represent SEM, n = 3 controls and 4 lesions) (A″); nor within the cortex: control (B), lesion (B′), quantification (error bars represent SEM) (B″). HI did cause a significant loss of Olig1+ cells within the corpus callosum: control (C), lesion (C′); quantification of Olig1+ cells (error bars represent SEM, n = 3 controls and 4 lesions, ∗ p = 0.013) (C″).