Fig. 6. Reduction of VDAC1 levels accelerates disease onset and diminishes survival in the hSOD1G37R mouse model of ALS.
Ages of (A) disease onset (determined as the time when mice reached peak body weight), (B) early disease (determined as the time when mice lost 10% of maximal weight) and (C) disease end stage (determined as the time when the animal could not right itself within 20 seconds when placed on its side) of SOD1G37R-VDAC1+/- (blue) and SOD1G37R-VDAC1+/+ littermates (red). Mean ages ± s.d. is provided. (D, E, F) Mean onset (D), mean duration of early disease (from onset to 10% weight loss; E) and mean duration of late disease (from 10% weight loss to end-stage; F). Error bars denote s.d. See also Fig. S1.