Figure 3 Grand average of PPNR theta (6–10 Hz) and beta (14–30 Hz) ERD/ERS and cusum amplitude from 5 patients in the OFF state and 6 patients in the ON state
(A and B) Event-related desynchronization (ERD)/event-related synchronization (ERS) waveforms from pedunculopontine nucleus region (PPNR) theta (A) and beta (B) bands. The abscissa denotes time in seconds, where 0 represents movement onset, and the ordinate denotes ERS percentage with respect to the mean value of the reference interval of −4 to −3 seconds. Positive values represent ERS, and negative values represent ERD. An ERD/ERS waveform is significant if the maximum ERD/ERS value exceeds 3 SDs (dotted line) from the reference intervals and has a duration of more than 1 second. (A) Theta ERD waveforms are significant in both OFF and ON states. (B) Significant premovement beta ERS waveforms present only in the ON state. Significant beta ERD waveforms are found in both OFF and ON states in the premovement and movement execution periods. The top figures in A and B show individual theta and beta ERD/ERS waveforms from 6 patients during ipsilateral wrist extension movements in the ON state, showing that the waveforms were highly consistent among patients. (C and D) The means represent the average cumulative sum amplitude (cusum) of theta (C) or beta (D) ERD/ERS during all movements. Positive values represent ERS and negative values represent ERD. (C) Cusum of PPNR theta ERD was significantly higher in the ON state than in the OFF state during movements. (D) Cusum of PPNR beta ERD was significantly lower in the ON state than in the OFF state during movements. Premovement beta ERS was significantly higher during ankle movements than during wrist movements in the ON state. * p < 0.05. a.u. = arbitrary units.