E18 fetal rat lung explants were maintained in culture for 24h. The explants were incubated with leptin during the 24h culture period, and were exposed to 3H-choline chloride for the last 4h. Leptin and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) significantly increased 3H-saturated phosphatidylcholine synthesis (n=5,*p<.01, control(C) versus treated, by analysis of variance). Co-incubation of PTHrP-treated explants with leptin antibody (Leptin Ab, 1:100 dilution) blocked the stimulatory effect of PTHrP on saturated phosphatidylcholine synthesis; co-incubation of leptin-treated explants with PTHrP receptor antagonist (PTHrP Ant., 5 × 10−6 M) had no effect on saturated phosphatidylcholine synthesis.