Induction of ChM-I expression in ChM-I-negative primary cultured cells by modification of regulators. A–C, primary-cultured cells were transfected with a combination of the siRNA for YY1, p300 expression vector, and Sp3 expression vector, and mRNA level of ChM-1, YY1, p300, and Sp3 gene were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR (lower panel). The expression of the ChM-I was further analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR and digitalized (upper panel). A, hMSCs; C, hPAs; E, NHOSTs. ChIP-qPCR assay: B, hMSCs; D, hPAs; F, NHOSTs. Cross-linked DNA-protein complexes were prepared from primary cultured cells treated with or without siRNA for YY1 and used for ChIP-qPCR assay for the modificationf H3K9 (left panels) and for the binding of transcription regulators (right panels).