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. 2010 Aug 6;35(8):727–734. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjq076

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Performance of minipigs in detecting descending concentrations of ethyl acetate. Each data point represents mean percentage correct choices from 5 to 8 blocks of 20 trials comprising a total of 100-160 decisions. In case of more than one replicate at one concentration, a line is drawn at the mean value (ID F5, F7, and M9). Horizontal reference line (y = 50) denotes chance level. To master the task, individuals should reach a mean of minimum 75% correct responses in one 100- to 160-trial session. Failure in reaching success criterion is denoted by a blank circle. ID M9 showed a peculiar performance as it was not readily possible to determine the olfactory detection threshold for ethyl acetate. However, when exchanging S+ with water in odor saturator bottle number one (▪), the pig still performed perfectly, whereas the performance reached a below chance level (35% correct response) when odor saturator bottle number 1 and 2 both containing water were interchanged (♦).