Figure 2. scFvCD7-9R-mediated siRNA uptake and gene-silencing in T cells in vivo in Hu-PBL mice.
NOD/SCIDIL2rγ−/− mice reconstituted with human PBMC were injected iv with siLuc (control) or siCD4 (test) complexed to scFvCD7-9R twice, 16 h apart and human CD3+ T cells in the peripheral blood, spleen and liver were analyzed for CD4 and CD8 expression 60 h later. Representative dot plots from one mouse (A), and cumulative data from 3 mice (B), are shown. Asterisks indicate significant and “ns” indicates no significant differences between test and control groups. P < 0.05. (C) PBMC isolated from groups of Hu-PBL mice were PHA-stimulated and infected with HIVIIIB. Culture supernatants collected on day 10 after infection were tested for p24 antigen levels in triplicate by ELISA. (D) Mice were treated with siRNA 20 days after reconstitution as in (A) three times at 16 h intervals and CD4 and CD8 expression in peripheral blood T cells were determined on days 3, 6 and 9 after the last injection. Error bars indicate standard deviation.