Figure 5. L10P DJ-1 is toxic during conditions of proteasome stress.
CHO cells stably expressing either WT or L10P DJ-1 were generated as described in “Materials and Methods”. A) Cells were harvested and total protein lysates were extracted and assessed by western blot analysis for DJ-1 with antibody DJ5. Blots were also probed with an actin antibody to assess equal protein loading. B) CHO cells and stable cell clones of CHO cells expressing WT or L10P (clone 11 and clone 12) human DJ-1 were cultured for 21 hours with DMEM (“untreated”) or DMEM containing the indicated concentrations of MG-132 or epoxomicin. Trypan blue exclusion assay was used to assess viability. Results were plotted as the percentage of viable cells over time of drug treatment. The error bars show standard deviation (n=6). Two-way ANOVA determined the results to be statistically significant, p<.0001. Bonferonni’s post hoc test were performed to determine the degrees of statistical significance between groups, ***p<.001, **p<.01, *p<.05.