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. 2010 Mar 4;40(10):1188–1201. doi: 10.1007/s10803-010-0976-0

Table 5.

PRAC TPOCS-S codes examined in the current study

Strategy Description
Behavioral techniques (directed to children only)
 Delivering positive reinforcement Rewarding positive behavior with labeled praise, physical, verbal, or material reinforcement; shaping, behavior reward systems, strategic attention
 Delivering punishment/limit setting Setting limits, activating response-cost, ignoring negative behavior, giving time-out, delivering punishment
Behavioral principles (directed to parents only)
 Principles of positive reinforcement Behavioral principles including, strategic attention, labeled praise, physical, verbal, and material reinforcement, shaping, and behavioral reward systems
 Principles of effective limit-setting and punishment Behavioral principles including, punishment, extinction, time-out, response-cost, giving commands, and limit-setting
Cognitive behavioral content (directed to children or parents)
 Problem-solving skills Methods to generate alternative solutions, evaluate options, consider consequences of each option, and provide self-rewards
 Affect/anger management Methods to manage/modulate anger including, perspective-taking, recognizing triggers of anger, relaxation skills
 Affect education Understanding, identifying, and labeling emotions. Recognizing physical and environmental cues of emotions
Teaching techniques (directed to children or parents)
 Psychoeducation Teaching through didactic instruction or explanation, video or biblio-instruction about topics such as, psychopathology, nature of child/family’s problems, treatment principles, and child development
 Assigning and reviewing homework Assigning and/or reviewing tasks to complete between sessions including, setting up behavior charts for implementation at home, practice relaxation techniques or problem solving skills
 Role-playing/practice Practicing/rehearsing skills in vivo or reenacting a hypothetical situation
 Modeling Demonstrating skills through live (in-session), imaginal (describing use of skill in hypothetical situation) or videotape methods. Also includes peer modeling
Extra-therapeutic techniques (directed to parents only)
 Addressing family issues, care Discussions about other family members’ (e.g., parents, siblings) mental or physical health, or broader psychosocial issues including identifying or assessing problems, and/or coordinating treatment or services
 Addressing child’s external care Discussions relating to management and coordination of care across multiple agencies and/or professionals, and/or therapeutic or structured programs