Figure 2.
The effect of eight particles on the viability of HASM cells after correcting for the optical interference of particles. (a) At the doses tested, TiO2, DEP, FS and WF caused little change in cell viability. (b) CuO NPs, but not MPs, caused dose-dependent decrease in viability. (a) and (b) have the same x-axis. (c) Both ZnO NPs and MPs impaired cell viability, with the former being more toxic. Also shown here is the soluble ZnCl2. In this and all subsequent figures, an asterisk indicates statistically significant difference from the negative control (p < 0.01). (a) Lines with open circles, TiO2; lines with open inverted triangles, DEP; lines with stars, FS; lines with open diamonds, WF. (b) Lines with open squares, CuO5 μm; lines with filled squares, CuO50 nm. (c) Lines with open triangles, ZnO44 μm; lines with filled triangles, ZnO40 nm; lines with crosses, ZnCl2 (the actual mass dose was scaled by MWZnO/MWZnCl2 to match the zinc concentration; MW, molecular weight).