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. 2010 Sep 22;5(9):e12835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012835

Figure 2. Colorado Balloon Game.

Figure 2

A. Decision-Balloon screen, yellow light illuminated. Counter initially $5. B. Events during presentation of 90 paired trials, each Decision Balloon (DecBa) followed by a Directed Balloon (DirBa). Top: timing (seconds). Colored circles represent stoplight lights. DecBa begins (B, upper): yellow light illuminated 4 sec, subject decides to press left (L) or right (R) button. Green light (0.5 sec), subject executes response. Red light, consequence appears (3.5 sec). Risky right press consequence, either: (a) “smiley face”, expanding balloon, puffing sounds, counter adds 5 cents, or (b) “pop” sound, shrinking balloon, “frowney face”, counter loses 10 cents. Cautious left press consequence: +1 cent on counter, dull “thud” sound, unchanged balloon. Then, “jittered” fixation. DirBa's (B, lower) are identical to their paired DecBa's except: only half of initial yellow light illuminates, signaling (i) start of a DirBa and (ii) button to press during green light (e.g., right illumination – press right) – the same button chosen during preceding paired DecBa. Green-light press on directed button: +2 cents on counter. Then balloon repeats the consequence (puff up, pop, or no change) of previous paired DecBa; subject was told that DirBa consequences would not affect earnings. Finally, jittered fixation screen. C. During DecBa, declining proportion of right presses programmed to win as game progresses. Mostly pressing left later in game saves earnings. D. Visual Analog Scales (VAS). After sessions subjects rated their opinions about the stated questions on 100mm lines. Marked positions represent all-subject means; groups did not differ significantly. Upper VAS: subjects' understanding of decision-making source for DecBa vs. DirBa. Lower VAS: Different emotional responses to puff-ups or pops of DecBa, vs. DirBa. E. Mean numbers, DecBa selections.