Figure 1.
CHD4 is recruited to sites of laser-induced DNA damage within the NuRD complex. (A) Immunodetection of CHD4 and γH2AX (damage sites) at the indicated times after laser micro-irradiation in U2OS cells. (B) Recruitment of NuRD complex subunits to sites of laser-induced DNA damage (labelled by γH2AX) 5 min after micro-irradiation in U2OS cells. (C, D) Immunodetection of HDAC1 and CHD4 5 min after laser micro-irradiation in U2OS cells treated with the indicated siRNAs (siLuci: control). Cells were pre-treated with ATM inhibitor to facilitate detection of HDAC1 and CHD4 lines. Lower panels show siRNA efficiency. In laser micro-irradiation experiments, detergent pre-extraction was performed before fixation of the cells for immunostaining. Scale bars, 10 μm.