Figure 3.
Results for the contrast judgments. The top row presents psychometric functions for the (A) main and (B) control experiments. The graphs show the proportions of trials on which the observers chose the test stimulus to be of higher spatial frequency than the standard stimulus, as a function of the physical spatial frequency of the test stimulus. The middle row presents the normalized values of the point of subjective equality (PSE) for the test stimulus for each of the three cue types in the (C) main and (D) control experiments. Error bars are standard errors of the means, calculated using the method of Loftus and Masson (1994). The bottom row presents scatterplots of individual observers’ normalized PSEs in the (E) main and (F) control experiments; each observer’s normalized PSEs for test stimuli in the test-cued and standard-cued conditions are plotted as a function of that observer’s PSE for the test stimuli in the neutral-cue condition. ISI, interstimulus interval. *p < .01.