RyR-evoked increase in ER calcium release within neuronal compartments in AD Tg neurons. A, Representative fura-2 images of resting calcium levels (left column) within the soma of NonTg (top), TAS/TPM (middle), and 3xTg-AD (bottom) neurons. The middle column represents maximal relative calcium changes after 10 mm caffeine application; the right column shows relative fluorescence intensity after a 10 min washout. Each 2-photon image represents an average of 100 frames captured at a frame rate of 30 Hz. Resulting percentage over baseline values are shown as pseudocolored images corresponding to color scale bar. B, Same as in A, but detailing the dendrites and spines. C, Bar graphs show averaged data (mean ± SE) for each transgenic group for caffeine concentrations of 10 mm (left) and 20 mm (right) in the soma, dendrites, and spines. *Significantly different from NonTg within compartment; **significantly different from TAS/TPM (p < 0.05).