Synergistic calcium interactions between RyR and glutamatergic synaptic transmission in AD Tg neurons. A, Pseudocolored images of relative calcium changes in representative NonTg (top), TAS/TPM (middle), and 3xTg-AD (bottom) neurons in the following conditions (from left to right): baseline (ACSF), 30 Hz synaptic stimulation (1.5 s), caffeine alone (10 mm), 30 Hz synaptic stimulation plus caffeine, and washout. B, Representative Ca2+ response traces after 30 Hz synaptic stimulation (voltage trace shown in top) shown as percentage over baseline, in control ACSF (left panels) and in 10 mm caffeine (right panels) for NonTg (top), 3xTg-AD (middle), and TAS/TPM (bottom) neurons. C, Bar graphs show averaged (mean ± SE) Ca2+ responses integrated over a 1.5 s time period of 30 Hz synaptic stimulation in control ACSF (left grouping), synaptic stimulation plus caffeine (center), and synaptic stimulation with ryanodine in the pipette (right grouping) for the NonTg, TAS/TPM, and 3xTg-AD neurons. Statistically significant differences are indicated by asterisks (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). *Significantly different from NonTg within treatment group; **significantly different from synaptic stimulation in ACSF within transgenic strain.