A, Internalization of Q-dot 655-labeled GC4 scFv by GBM tumor sphere cells. Representative images are shown for each indicated incubation condition. Control: GBM sphere cells incubated with Q-dot 655-labeled control non-binding scFv (N3M2). This non-binding scFv was originally picked from the unselected naïve library and has been used as a negative control in our previous studies (25, 50). Scale bar, 2 μm. B, Quantification of percent internalized. Following incubation with phage antibodies, data from two time points (1h and 4h) were collected and analyzed. Surface-bound phage antibodies were removed by washing with a low pH glycine buffer. The percentage of internalized phage is calculated based on the ratio of internalized over total cell associated phage antibodies. The experiments were done in triplicates. Error bars indicate standard deviations.