Hexon modification results in effective systemic targeting of oncolytic Ad. Athymic nude mice with skov3.ip1 subcutaneous flank tumors were treated with the panel of infectivity enhanced CRAds. A, Tumor size was followed up to 28 days. Ad5Δ24E1F5/3 = wild-type Ad5 hexon-containing vector (dark gray/triangle), Ad5Δ24E1F5/3 + warfarin = wild-type Ad5 hexon-containing vector pre-treated with warfarin at days -3 and -1 (gray/circles), Ad5Δ24E1H3F5/3 = Ad3 hexon substituted vectors (light gray/diamonds) B, Viral replication was measured by E4 copy number in liver and tumor specimens. Closed bars = liver, open bars = tumor. * = p < 0.05 compared to placebo.