S-SCAM links to β-catenin and neuroligin in CG neurons. β-cat (lane 1) and NL (lane 3) coimmunoprecipitated with S-SCAM from CG lysates. In contrast, IQGAP (lane 8) did not. S-SCAM itself precipitated with the S-SCAM antibody (lane 5), but not with the hemagglutinin (HA) antibody, as a negative control (lane 6). CG homogenates were immunoprecipitated (IP) with S-SCAM or HA antibody. The precipitate and 1–2% of total input were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted (IB) with β-cat antibody (lanes 1 and 2), NL antibody (lanes 3 and 4), S-SCAM antibody (lanes 5–7), or IQGAP antibody (lanes 8 and 9). β-cat ∼92 kDa; NL ∼110 kDa; S-SCAM isoforms: α (full-length), β, and γ, 180, 160, and 105 kDa; IQGAP ∼190 kDa. n = 3 separate experiments.