Figure 6.
Genomic organization of the BRCA1 promoter region and localization of the BP1 consensus binding site. The top part of the diagram shows the organization of introns and exons for the BRCA1 and NBR2 genes (marked by open and gray boxes respectively). Transcription of BRCA1 and its neighboring gene NBR2 proceeds toward the right and left sides respectively. A 56 base pair minimal region located within a 229 base pair intergenic region between BRCA1 and NBR2 functions as a minimal bi-directional promoter for the two divergently transcribed genes. The bottom part of the diagram shows the region from the beginning of intron 1 to the end of exon 2 of BRCA1. Numbering of nucleotide positions is the same as for GenBank accession number U37574. A putative repressor region located between nucleotides 2255 and 2337 is marked by a purple box and contains several GA-rich sequences that may serve as potential binding sites for the ets or Sp1 families of transcription factors. A yellow box represents exon 2 from nucleotide positions 2857 to 2956. BP1 is shown as a green oval binding to the consensus sequence ATATATATG within the first intron of BRCA1 from nucleotide positions 2830 to 2838, which is -47 to -39 base pairs upstream of the translational start site in exon 2 (marked by a yellow star).