Figure 5. Neutrophils are not essential cellular mediators of arthritis induced by locally administered PGN.
For neutrophil depletion, mice were pretreated with anti-Ly6G neutralizing antibody or isotype control (IC) 18 hours prior to the administration PGN. Mice received an intra-articular injection of 75 μg PGN in one knee and saline was administered to the contralateral knee. Inflammation within the knee joint was assessed 3 days later by NIR fluorescent scanning and histology. A) Representative NIR-fluorescent images of knee joints of isotype control treated (IC) or neutrophil-depleted mice (Anti-Ly6G); B) Quantification of mean NIR-intensity in IC versus anti-Ly6G-treated mice. Data are the mean ± SEM; * p<0.05, comparison between treatments within a genotype; ψ p<0.05 comparison between KO and WT mice treated with PGN (n = 6 mice/treatment/genotype).