Table 7.
Systems-contextual level: Training, organizational support, and client variables
References | n | EST | Patient | Therapist | Training | Active elements | Outcome variables | Design | Results |
Bein et al. (2000) | 16 | TLDP | Adult psych. | MD / PhD | 1. 50 weekly 2- hour seminars and supervision (focus on principles) 2. Manual 3. One training case |
None | 1. Client psych. 2. Therapist proficiency |
Convenience sample; nonrandomized; 1-year f / u; pretraining comparison; SM | 1. No differences between pre- and post-training client psych. at post- and 1-year f / u 2. Only 28% reached minimal level of proficiency |
Henggeler, Sheidow, et al. (2008) | 30 | MST | Adol. subst. abuse | Master’s-level clinician | 1. Manual 2. Workshop 3. Randomized to workshop only or intensive quality assurance (supervision and quarterly booster training) |
Role-play with feedback and positive reinforcement | 1. Youth- and caregiver- reported therapist A | Baseline, postworkshop then randomized; comparison group; 4-month f / u; SM | 1. Significant adherence reported by youth at post and difference between adherence to MST and CBT at f / u 2. Significant difference between MST and CBT techniques reported by caregiver at post but not f / u 3. No change in use of MST youth or monitoring by caregiver report |
Schoener et al. (2006) | 10 | MI | Adult subst. abuse and COD | Frontline clinicians | 1. 2-day workshop 2. Eight supervisions |
Supervised practice and feedback during workshop | 1. Therapist S 2. Client change talk |
Convenience sample; nonrandomized; pre- to postdesign; no f / u; no comparison group; SM | 1. Therapist improved MI-consistent skills* 2. Therapist decreased MI-inconsistent skills 3. Observed client change talk |
Watkins et al. (2008) | 5 | CBT | Adult subst. abuse | Subst. abuse addictions counselors | 1. 2-day workshop 2. Weekly supervision 3. 1-day booster training |
Not described | 1. A 2. C 3. Client outcome |
Convenience sample; nonrandomized; no pre-; no f / u; comparison group for tx; SM | 1. 91% A 2. 4.3 / 6 C 3. Client depression improved |
Note. TLDP, time-limited dynamic psychotherapy; psych., psychopathology; f / u, follow-up; SM, standardized measures; MST, multisystemic therapy; MI, motivational interviewing; subst., substance; COD, co-occurring disorders; S, skill; CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy; A, adherence; C, competence; tx, treatment.
Still below proficiency levels.