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. 2010 Aug;7(8):20–32.

Table 3.

Commonly used Sanskrit terminology in yoga

Yoga To yoke together to unite
Jnana yoga Path of wisdom
Bhakti yoga Path of devotion
Kriya yoga Path of action
Raja yoga Royal path
Hatha yoga Ha signifies prana (vital force, life energy) and Tha indicates mind or mental energy. Hatha encompasses the dialectical elements of heating and cooling, active and passive, energizing and calming, which are individually developed and then brought into balance.
Yoga Cikitsa Yoga therapy
Asana “Seat,” physical poses
Prana Life force energy
Pranayama Breathing practices: heating, cooling, cleansing, and balancing
Pratyahara Drawing the senses inward
Dharana Concentration
Dhyana Uninterrupted concentration
Samadhi Becoming united as one with the object of concentration
Kriya Cleansing and purification of physical organs or subtle energy channels
Mudra Gesture with a part of the body, e.g., the hand with thumb and forefingers touching, or the whole body, e.g., bowing, to stimulate an awareness or attitude
Bandha Directing attention to an area of the body (throat, abdomen, or perineum) then through muscular action and subtle awareness deepening the awareness of energy in the area
Mantra japa Silent repetition of a meaningful sound or word(s)
Kirtan Chanting or singing mantras out loud
Yoga Nidra Yogic sleep; guided, progressive relaxation of body, mind, and emotions to help achieve intentions