Elevated [Na+]i increases ROS production in normal myocytes. A similar protocol as in Figure 2 was performed, except that isoproterenol was washed in starting 40 seconds after the onset of pacing. Pipette solution was 5 or 15 mmol/L [Na+]i as indicated. A and B, [Ca2+]c and [Ca2+]m were measured in normal myocytes (5 mmol/L [Na+]i, n=15; 15 mmol/L [Na+]i, n=20). A, Systolic [Ca2+]m plotted against systolic [Ca2+]c; B, diastolic [Ca2+]m plotted against diastolic [Ca2+]c; the numbers indicate the time (in minutes) after the start of the experiment. C and D, Net H2O2 formation was determined by CM-DCF in a separate set of cells (n=15/12). CM-DCF oxidation, indicating levels of H2O2, is given as F/F0 (C) or ΔF/F0 per minute (D). *P<0.05 for 5 vs 15 mmol/L [Na+]i at minute 6 to 18 (1-way ANOVA).