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. 2010 Sep 20;2010:751905. doi: 10.1155/2010/751905

(a) Impact of diets on weight loss and nutrient intakes in parents (means ± standard deviations).

Completers Last observation carried forward
Calorie restriction Dual Diet P Calorie restriction Dual Diet P

N 50 61 70 72
Δ-weight (%) −4.0 ± 5.3 −6.4 ± 6.0 .029 −2.9 ± 4.9 −6.0 ± 6.1 .001

N 41 54 57 64
 Δ-Kcal per day −305 ± 573 −545 ± 579 .048 −235 ± 526 −482 ± 557 .014
 Δ-Fat per day (g) −10.3 ± 35 −31.3 ± 30 .003 −8.0 ± 31 −27.5 ± 29 .001
 Δ-Protein per day (g) −10.6 ± 27 −14.0 ± 25 n.s. −7.1 ± 24 −11.0 ± 25 n.s.
 Δ-CH per day (g) −38.3 ± 68 −47.9 ± 68 n.s. −31.6 ± 61 −44.6 ± 65 n.s.
 Δ-RCH per day (%) of CH +2.3 ± 14 −2.7 ± 12 (.057) +1.1 ± 12 −2.5 ± 11 (.08)

Abbreviations: CH = Carbohydrates, RCH = refined carbohydrates (sucrose plus glucose).