Hierarchical clustering of manually curated functional groups of proteins that are differentially expressed across conditions reveals significant and concordant changes in five functional sets. Proteins were identified using the highest confidence filter for both protein identification (99%) and P value of expression change (≤0.01). Each protein was then annotated for functionality and submitted for clustering. Manual curation identified five main protein sets, as defined on the left hand margin of the heat map. The color of each heat map cell represents the Z-score of expression along the row, allowing a comparison of expression of any protein along across conditions. Both nucleotide binding/transcriptional regulation and apoptosis-related protein sets are up-regulated under gentamicin conditions (115:114) while being comparatively down-regulated under ther pretreatment with UcnII (117:114) condition. Signal transduction (especially concerning growth factors) and protein-degradation-related proteins are more highly expressed following pretreatment with UcnII than under gentamicin conditions. Identity of members of the final list is indicated on the right margin of the heat map. Column headers: 115:114, expression under gentamicin stimulation normalized to control, untreated condition; 116:114, expression under urocortin II stimulation normalized to control, untreated condition; 117:114, expression under urocortin II pretreatment stimulation followed by gentamicin challenge, normalized to control, untreated condition. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]