Annotation Results of Chromosome Segments from Soybean (Gm8 and Gm15) and Phaseolus (Pv5).
The two soybean homoeologous regions, Gm8 and Gm15, and orthologous Phaseolus region, Pv5, are shown. Black bars are sequence contigs. Gm8 has two physical gaps, and Pv5 has one. Pentagons represent genes. Orange genes have homoeologs and/or orthologs (collinear genes), connected by black lines. Yellow genes do not have homoeologs and orthologs (noncollinear genes). Triangles represent transposons: blue triangles are intact LTR retrotranspsons, pink triangles are solo LTRs, cyan triangles are truncated LTR retrotransposons, and green triangles are non-LTR retrotransposons. Shaded boxes show the duplication events: green boxes show segmental duplications. The purple box shows a tandem duplication. Black numbers are the gene number from annotation results. Insertion times of intact LTR retrotransposons are shown in red. Regions between the two pink dotted lines are physical gaps in Gm8 and their corresponding intervals in Gm15.