Comparison of the levels of phosphorylated α-syn immunoreactivity by immunoblot in human brains from control, AD, LBD, and MSA cases. Samples from the frontal cortex were divided into cytosolic and particulate fractions and analyzed by Western blot with antibodies against total and phosphorylated α-syn. A, B, Cytosolic and particulate fractions probed with an antibody against total α-syn. Native α-syn is identified at 14 kDa. Compared to controls, in LBD cases there was increased levels of native and aggregated α-syn above 28 kDa preferentially in the membrane fraction. C, D, S87-P α-syn was identified as a single band at 14 kDa in the membrane fraction. The intensity of this band was greater in LBD, MSA, and AD cases compared to controls. E, F, The native S129-P α-syn was identified as a single band at 14 kDa and oligomerized α-syn was identified as multiple bands ranging from 28 kDa to 98 kDa. S129-P α-syn was only identified in the membrane fraction and was most abundant in LBD cases. G, H, I, Quantitative analysis of brain homogenate from 21 AD, LBD, MSA, and control cases including the representative samples shown in A–F. Statistical analyses are performed using a one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnet's test. *p < 0.05 compared with control values.