Stage-specific disruption of Pet-1 in the adult ascending 5-HT system. (a) Adult stage specific deletion of Pet-1 in Pet-1aCKO mice. (b, c) Co-immunostaining of βgal and Tph in adult dorsal (b) and medullary (c) raphe. (d, e) Percentage of TPH+ cells expressing CreER activated βgal in individual adult B nuclei (d) and in 5-HT neurons of ascending versus descending pathways (e, 68.5±9.5% in the pons (B4-B9) and 12.1±6.8% in medullary nuclei (B1-B3). n=7, mean ± s.d, *** p<0.001, two tailed t test). (f–i) In situ hybridization of Pet-1 mRNA in coronal sections of adult Pet-1aCKO mice treated witheither TM or vehicle (Veh). (j) RT-qPCR of Pet-1 mRNA in TM-treated adult Pet-1aCKO mice (pons, n=30, 28.0±2.5% relative to control, n=35; medulla, n=12, 105.9±5.8% relative to the control, n=15). Each dot represents a sample from the indicated group, mean ± s.e.m, two tailed t test. Scale bars are 200 μm.