Figure 4.
Ethanol-induced phasic DA release in the NAc core of an awake rat. Panel A. The rate of DA transients across the dosing regimen. DA transient frequency at each dose of ethanol was significantly higher than baseline and saline episodes (* all z scores < −2, p < 0.05). Frequencies during the saline and 2 g/kg episodes highlighted in panels B and C are depicted as green circles. Panel B. DA transient during a 20-s trace in the saline episode. The line graph shows current fluctuations at the oxidation potential of DA, and the confirmed DA transient is marked with an asterisk. The scale bar depicts DA concentration per unit current, as determined by in vitro calibration of the electrode. The color plot (Michael et al., 1998) shows all changes in current (color) at various applied potentials (y-axis) over time (x-axis). Fluctuations in current due to DA oxidation are best viewed at +0.65 V on the anodic scan. Panel C. Increased frequency of DA transients during a 20-s trace in the 2 g/kg episode. Data are depicted as in panel B, with the addition of a cyclic voltammogram (top) of a DA transient (green line) compared to that of electrically-stimulated DA release in the same site (black), confirming that the change in current is due to DA oxidation.