Figure 5. Evaluating mechanisms that could lead to initiation of clotting of blood drawn into CTI without exogenous TF addition.
(A) To evaluate the effect of phlebotomy, experiments were conducted ±CVX using the first 10 mls, 10–20 mls, 20–30 mls and 30–40 mls of blood. No steady increase in T i was noted showing that TF from phlebotomy was not leading to eventual initiation. (B) Addition of antibodies against P-selectin or Gp1bα did not prolong initiation either in the absence or presence of high dose CVX, (C) Addition of antibodies against PDI or cathepsin G did not prolong initiation either in the absence or presence of high dose CVX. (D) The ribosome inhibitor puromycin; the Clk1 kinase inhibitor Tg003; (E) antibodies against TF, VII/VIIa; or (F) VIIai did not prolong initiation either in the absence or presence of high dose CVX. This shows that initiation is unaffected by either ‘bloodborne’ or platelet synthesized TF on the time scales of our experiments.