Figure 3. Confirmation of knock out mutant.
A) PCR amplification with internal primers for ctx (lane 1), hapA (lane 3), prtV (lane 5) and VC1649 (lane 7) in strain C6709 and for ctx (lane 2), hapA (lane 4), prtV (lane 6) and VC1649 (lane 8) in strain CHA6.8ΔprtVΔVC1649. The primer sequence used in the above experiment is given in Table 1. (MW) denotes molecular weight marker (20 kb-75 bp marker, Fermentas). B) Native PAGE (10%) with ammonium sulphate precipitated proteins of C6709 (lane 1), CHA6.8 (lane 2), CHA6.8ΔprtV (lane 3) and CHA6.8ΔprtVΔVC1649 (lane 4). The * shows the protein band with sequence homology to the 59-kDa serine protease (VC1649). This band is absent in strain CHA6.8ΔprtVΔVC1649 (lane 4).