Enchelys polynucleata, The Netherlands specimens in the scanning electron microscope (8, 10, 11) and after protargol impregnation (9). Large arrowheads mark the cytopharyngeal entrance near the dorsal end of the oral bulge. 8 – right side overview, length about 150 μm in vivo; 9 – ciliary pattern of left and dorsal side. Arrows denote cilia (9a) and basal bodies (9b) at anterior end of ciliary rows. The pharyngeal basket is made of nematodesmata (small arrowheads) originating from the anterior basal bodies, that is, from oralized somatic monokinetids; 10, 11 – ventrolateral views showing the elliptical oral bulge and the anterior end of the ciliary rows merging into the oral bulge. B – dorsal brush, F – fibres in oral bulge, OB – oral bulge.