Apobryophyllum schmidingeri, Austrian specimens from life. 38–41 – malformed specimens (arrowheads) were frequent in the non-flooded Petri dish culture; 42 – high magnification of anterior region of left side, showing the genus-specific, heteromorphic dorsal brush, i.e., ordinary cilia (arrowheads) among the minute dorsal bristles. Brush row 3 has a long monokinetidal tail (cp. Fig. 37). Arrows mark V-like spread bristles in anterior region of rows. The narrowly spaced cilia (C) of the circumoral kinety form metachronal waves; 43– a twisted specimen. B2, 3 – dorsal brush rows, C – cilia of circumoral kinety, CK – circumoral kinety, CV – contractile vacuole, OB – oral bulge. Scale bars: 100 μm (38–41, 43), 10 μm (42).