Table 2.
Frequency of amplifications and deletions in murine BCR-ABL1 leukemias
Cohort | N | Amplifications* (mean ± s.d.)** | Deletions* (mean ± s.d.)** | All Lesions* (mean ± s.d.)** |
AID-/- | 3 | 17.0 ± 2.0 (15-19) | 10.7 ± 2.1 (9-13) | 27.7 ± 0.6 (27-28) |
AID+/+ | 3 | 45.3 ± 6.7 (38-51) | 40.0 ± 7.2 (34-48) | 85.3 ± 11.9 (72-95) |
There are significant differences of amplifications (p=0.0021), deletions (p=0.0025) and all lesions (p=0.0011) between AID-/- leukemia and AID+/+ leukemia as determined by Student's t test.
Range shown in parentheses. Mean values were calculated based on the analysis of three tumor samples from three different mice per cohort.