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. 2010 Jul 5;25(5):815–840. doi: 10.1093/her/cyq035

Table II.

LHA characteristics by LHA role from earliest to latest studies published (N = 61; 33 educator only and 28 educator plus bridge)

Study No. of LHAs LHA mean age (years) % LHA female % LHA Latino Training length Volunteer (V) or paid (P) Other incentives
Educator Brand [47] 364 42 100 11 P
Pilisuk et al. [48] 9 0 V
Tiernan [49] 50 45 hours V
Amezcua et al. [50] V Certificate
Brownstein et al. [51] 100
Watkins et al. [52, 53]* 40 15–52 100 100 24 hours V Mileage and other reimbursement, child care
May et al. [54] 4 100 100 P
Navarro et al. [5557]* 36 100 100 12 weeks
Ramirez et al. [58] 85 49 97 V Certificates, recognition
Wiist et al. [59] 305 10–13 53 52 29 hours V Field trips
Hanson [60]* P (per visit)
Alcalay et al. [61]; Balcazar et al. [62, 63] 29–33 41 100 100 18 hours + 2 days P
Bell et al. [64]* 15 ‘Older’ 100 100 1 session V
Buller et al. [65]; Larkey et al. [66]* 41 41 29 56 16 hours V $1800 total + gifts
Whitehorse et al. [67] 20 92 9 hours
Cravey et al. [68] 66 100 V Baseball hats
Taylor et al. [69, 70] 36 78%, 31–60 97 97 16 hours V Certificates, $100
Ramos et al. [71] 100 100
Watson et al. [72] 7 Youth V Food, certificates
Woodruff et al. [73]* 16 41 88 94 25 hours V ‘Modest stipend’
Kim et al. [74] 12 92 100 39 hours P (per class) Mileage reimbursement
Conway et al. [75]; Rodriguez et al. [76]; Woodruff et al. [77]* 11 45 100 100 20 hours V Monetary incentives and mileage reimbursement
Forst et al. [78]* 16 100 20 hours
Elder et al. [43, 44, 79]* 4 55 100 100 12 sessions P $200 for training + certificate, $144 per participant, mileage and other reimbursement
Staten et al. [80] 11 91 6 hours P
Teufel-Shone et al. [81] 4 100 100 1 day
Larkey [82] 3 100 100
Martin et al. [83]* 16 88 P and V All received $40 gift certificate
Culica et al. [84] 1 27 hours P
Joshu et al. [85] 100 P
Lujan et al. [86]* 2 100 60 hours P
Sauaia et al. [87]; Welsh et al. [88]* 4 100 100 P
Vincent et al. [89]* 1 100 100 P
Bridge Carrillo et al. [90] V
McElmurry et al. [91] 30 18 93 33 160 hours P Training mileage reimbursement
Dawson & Robinson [92]* 100 30 hours P
Meister et al. [93]; Warrick et al. [94] 9 100 100 34 hours+ 8 P, 1 V Benefits, certificate, ESL classes
Birkel et al. [95] P
Morris et al. [96] 4 35–65 100 100 Weekly staff meeting P
McFarlane et al. [97]; McFarlane & Fehir [98]; Mahon et al. [99] 14 19–68 100 100 8 hours V Tote bag
Bray & Edwards [100] 3 100 100 3 weeks P
Nyamathi et al. [101]* 100 100 P
Brown & Hanis [102] 1 100 P
Castro et al. [103] 1–3 in 14 churches 27–67 100 100 V $500/year
Bird et al. [104]; Pérez-Stable [105] 78 Some husbands active 100 18 hours V Child care, $500 after 5 months volunteer work, certificate
Singer & Marxuach-Rodriquez [106] 6 0 100 V
Baker et al. [107] 2 100 P
Booker et al. [108] 33 32 50 20 hours P
Corkery et al. [109]* 1 100 100
Warren [110]
Flaskerud & Nyamathi [111] 100 100 P
McQuiston & Uribe [112]; McQuiston & Flaskerud [113]; McQuiston et al. [114] 18 19–39 83 100 21 hours V Incentive, mileage reimbursement, child care
Hiatt et al. [115] 7 100 P
McElmurry et al. [116] 170 hours P
Hunter et al. [39]* 1 100 100
Mayo et al. [117] 45 100 V
Hansen et al. [118] 4 40–57 yo 100 100 20 hours V Mileage reimbursement, child care
Martin et al. [119] 11 100 15 weeks + 12 hours P
Reinschmidt et al. [120] 1 40 100 100
Ingram et al. [121] 100 100 P
Thompson et al. [122] Minimum of 10 at any time 100 100 10 sessions + 42 hours P

ESL = English as a second language; NR or empty cell = not reported/missing; asterisks denote articles with outcomes.