Intra-BLA zif268 ASO, prior to memory reactivation, impaired cocaine-induced CPP in a reactivation-dependent manner. Time spent on the cocaine- (black bars) and saline-paired (white bars) sides are shown for the reactivated (C–E; MSO = 4, ASO = 11) and nonreactivated (F,G; MSO = 8, ASO = 11) groups. The timeline of the experimental procedures for the reactivated and nonreactivated memory conditions are shown in A and B, respectively. (C) There was no difference between the groups during the preconditioning test. (D) Both groups acquired a significant preference for the cocaine-paired side as assessed in the memory-reactivation test. (E) The ASO group had a significantly impaired preference for the cocaine-paired side during the post-reactivation test. (F) The nonreactivated groups also did not differ during the preconditioning test. (G) Both groups showed a significant preference for the cocaine-paired side during the post-treatment preference test. Data are presented as mean ± SEM.