Figure 2. Results of discriminant function analyses (DFA) of the abiotic lake characteristics associated with the presence of P. neogaeus and hybrid Phoxinus in Algonquin Park lakes.
A small amount of random horizontal scatter has been added to the points so overlapping points can be distinguished more easily. Higher DFA LD1 scores for P. neogaeus correspond to lakes that are larger, shallower, and lower elevation, and have higher pH, lower conductivity, higher dissolved organic carbon content, lower calcium concentration, and higher SO4 concentration. Higher DFA LD1 scores for hybrids correspond to lakes that are smaller, deeper, and lower elevation, and have higher pH, lower conductivity, higher dissolved organic carbon content, lower calcium concentration, and lower SO4 concentration. An asterisk indicates a significant correlation between species presence and the abiotic lake characteristics. Lines illustrate the difference in mean LD1 score between groups.