Figure 3.
Sound from the ventilated rack blower only and with the animal transfer station (ATS) measured from inside of the cage and compared with ambient noise. Both the A-weighted (a, P ≤ 0.05) and linear (b, P = 0.05) levels of sound pressure for humans increased due to the ventilated rack blower as compared with ambient noise. The linear sound pressure level for mice was lower (c, P ≤ 0.001) relative to the human linear level of sound pressure for both ambient noise and the ventilated rack blower only. Although sound pressure increased in the human hearing range as a result of the ATS, the linear sound pressure level in the mouse hearing range was not increased above ambient noise or blower-only levels. Each bar represents the mean ± SEM with 2 degrees of freedom. Due to technical issues, data from the ventilated rack blower with ATS could be used from only 2 locations and therefore were not included in the statistical analysis.