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. 2010 Oct 5;4(10):e834. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000834

Table 1. Summary of samples analyzed in this study.

Country of origin Matrix Number/description Clinical pathology Nodulectomy results Average mf per mg
Cameroon Plasma 16 O. volvulus infected Palpable nodule(s) All nodules contained live worms a
18 uninfected controls NA 0b
1 calcified worm Palpable nodule(s) 1 dead, calcified worm
2 ambiguous lipoma Palpable nodule(s) Fat deposit
1 indeterminant infection status
Ghana Serum 15 O. volvulus infected Palpable nodule(s) 12c
10 O.volvulus, mf+ Acute papular onchodermatitis +d
Liberia Serum 10 O. volvulus infected 527e
Guatemala Serum 21 O. volvulus infected Palpable nodule(s) 24% of nodules sampled all worms dead
17 uninfected controls NA
6 Leishmania braziliensis NA
6 Leishmania mexicana NA
5 Trypanosoma cruzi NA
India Plasma 4 Wuchereria bancrofti NA
USA Plasma 3 O.volvulus uninfected, no known disease NA
Serum 3 O. volvulus uninfected, no known disease NA

— indicates no measurement made.


no mf were measured in samples collected from four different anatomical locations from the 18 control individuals included in this analysis.


Average number of mf measured per patient in original study [9] using two skin snips [49].


Samples are known to be mf+, but records are not available.


Average number of mf collected from six different anatomical locations from the 10 patients included in this analysis.

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