FIG. 5.
Virulence of the rsr mutant. (A) A group of six C57BL/6 mice were each injected subcutaneously with 108 CFU of parent SH1000 or the rsr mutant and monitored daily. Eight days postinfection, the mice were sacrificed, and punch biopsies of the skin were done to determine bacterial load (*, P < 0.01, as determined by the Student t test) and to examine any histological differences between the mice from the parental SH1000 group (left) and the rsr mutant group (right). (B) Top, low magnification (100×) of the dermal and subdermal layers. Note the absence of the dermal layer and subcellular structures (*) in the biopsy specimen taken from a mouse infected with the rsr mutant and the presence of clusters of bacteria (arrows). Bottom, higher magnification (1,000×) of a representative bacterial cluster (right, arrow) present in the rsr mutant-infected tissue (right) and an equivalent region from the SH1000-infected tissue (left).