Fig. 3.
Genetic interactions between apc5CA and HAT/HDAC mutants are complex. (A) A genetic interaction between hpa2Δ and gcn5Δ mutants is revealed in apc5CA cells. The mutants shown were constructed by genetic crosses and tested for temperature sensitivity using spot dilutions. See the legend to Fig. 2 for explanation of interaction symbols. (B) The elp3Δ gcn5Δ defect is more severe than that of strains containing apc5CA, as determined by spot dilutions. (C) The mutants shown were created through multiple rounds of backcrossing and characterized using spot dilutions. (D) Increased expression of APC5 partially suppresses elp3Δ gcn5Δ ts growth. WT and elp3Δ gcn5Δ cells were transformed with an APC5-expressing construct under the control of the GAL1 promoter or the empty vector control. The transformants were spot diluted onto glucose- or galactose-supplemented plates and grown for 3 to 13 days.