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. 2010 Aug 5;172(5):578–590. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq175

Table 1.

Selected Characteristics of Population-based Prostate Cancer Cases and Controls in King County, Washington, 2002–2005

Characteristic Cases (n = 1,001)
Controls (n = 942)
Odds Ratioa 95% CI
No. % No. %
Age, years, at reference date
    35–49 93 9.3 96 10.2
    50–54 108 10.8 113 12.0
    55–59 184 18.4 174 18.5
    60–64 218 21.8 187 19.9
    65–69 210 21.0 202 21.4
    70–74 188 18.8 170 18.0
    Caucasian 843 84.2 844 89.6 1.00 Referent
    African American 158 15.8 98 10.4 1.69 1.29, 2.23
First-degree family history of prostate cancer
    No 775 77.4 833 88.4 1.00 Referent
    Yes 226 22.6 109 11.6 2.25 1.75, 2.89
Annual income, $
    <15,000 48 5.0 47 5.1 0.86 0.56, 1.34
    15,000–29,999 85 8.9 93 10.1 0.77 0.54, 1.08
    30,000–49,999 189 19.7 169 18.4 0.95 0.72, 1.25
    50,000–74,999 212 22.1 206 22.5 0.88 0.68, 1.13
    75,000–99,999 141 14.7 157 17.1 0.76 0.57, 1.02
    ≥100,000 284 29.6 245 26.7 1.00 Referent
    Missing 42 25
    ≤ High school 196 19.6 181 19.2 1.00 Referent
    Some college 241 24.1 210 22.3 1.07 0.81, 1.40
    College degree 262 26.2 261 27.7 0.94 0.72, 1.22
    Graduate degree 301 30.1 289 30.7 0.97 0.75, 1.25
Body mass index, kg/m2
    <25 287 28.7 259 27.5 1.00 0.81, 1.24
    25.0–29.9 492 49.2 444 47.1 1.00 Referent
    30.0–34.9 168 16.8 186 19.8 0.81 0.64, 1.04
    ≥35.0 54 5.4 53 5.6 0.91 0.61, 1.36
Recent exercise, times/weekb
    None 262 26.2 246 26.1 1.00 Referent
    1–2 315 31.5 283 30.0 1.05 0.83, 1.33
    3–4 251 25.1 244 25.9 0.97 0.76, 1.25
    ≥5 173 17.3 169 17.9 0.96 0.73, 1.27
Smoking status
    Nonsmoker 428 42.8 429 45.6 1.00 Referent
    Former smoker 462 46.2 394 41.9 0.94 0.70, 1.26
    Current smoker 111 11.1 118 12.5 1.16 0.96, 1.41
Prostate cancer screeningc
    None 133 13.3 136 14.4 1.00 Referent
    Digital rectal examination only 159 15.9 263 27.9 0.62 0.46, 0.85
    PSA test 709 70.8 543 57.6 1.36 1.04, 1.78
    Never 929 92.8 876 93.2 1.00 Referent
    Ever 72 7.2 64 6.8 1.06 0.74, 1.50
Arthritis (rheumatoid or osteoarthritis)
    Never 833 84.2 767 82.3 1.00 Referent
    Ever 156 15.8 165 17.7 0.86 0.68, 1.10
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    Never 819 81.9 759 80.7 1.00 Referent
    Ever 181 18.1 181 19.3 0.92 0.73, 1.16
Gastrointestinal ulcer
    Never 886 88.5 855 91.1 1.00 Referent
    Ever 114 11.4 84 8.9 1.29 0.96, 1.74
Heart attack
    Never 932 93.2 862 91.5 1.00 Referent
    Ever 68 6.8 80 8.5 0.76 0.54, 1.08
    Never 968 96.7 907 96.6 1.00 Referent
    Ever 32 3.2 32 3.4 0.93 0.57, 1.53
Gleason score
    3–4 7 0.7
    5–6 518 52.0
    7 (3 + 4) 294 29.5
    7 (4 + 3) 78 7.8
    8–10 99 9.9
    Missing 5
Stage of cancer
    Local 819 81.8
    Regional 160 16.0
    Distant 22 2.2
PSA value, ng/mLd
    <4.0 134 14.3 720 91.6
    4.0–9.9 592 63.1 55 7.0
    10.0–19.9 143 15.2 10 1.3
    ≥20.0 69 7.4 1 0.1
    Missing 63 156
Prostate cancer aggressivenesse
    Less aggressive 686 68.5
    More aggressive 315 31.5

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.


Adjusted for age at reference date.


Exercise frequency 1 year before reference date.


Prostate cancer within 5 years before reference date.


Measured at diagnosis for cases and at interview for controls.


Less aggressive = Gleason ≤7 (3 + 4), local stage, and PSA <20 ng/mL; more aggressive = Gleason ≥7 (4 + 3) or regional/distant stage or PSA ≥20 ng/mL.