Fig. 6.
Airway responsiveness of NE-treated mice to serotonin bronchoprovocation. Means ± SE of total pulmonary resistance (RT) at indicated serotonin concentration (RT is expressed as cmH2O·ml−1·s−1; 4–12 mice per group). *RT response to cumulative aerosol concentration of serotonin was elevated in mice treated with NE + saline compared with mice treated with Vehicle [1:1 sodium acetate (NaOAc)-to-glycerol] + MANS and significant at P < 0.05; #changes in RT in mice treated with NE + MANS were decreased compared with mice treated with NE + saline, and the differences were significant at P < 0.05; $changes in RT in NE + RNS mice were elevated at indicated concentrations compared with mice treated with Vehicle + RNS, and difference was significant at P < 0.05.