A, schematic representation of the HIV-1 subgenomic plasmids pDP and pNL13a7sd1. Nucleotide positions of the deletions and insertions are indicated. The sequences of the different splice donors SD1 and SD3 are shown and compared with an optimal U1 snRNA binding site. B, Northern blot of cytoplasmic RNA extracted from HeLa cells transfected with pNL13a7 (w) (7) or pNL13a7sd1 (sd1) in the absence or presence of CMV promoter-driven plasmids expressing SRp55 or SRp75. The blot was probed with exon 1 probe (Fig. 2A), detecting all HIV-1 mRNAs. Identified mRNAs are indicated. C, the RNAs in B were subjected to RT-PCR with oligonucleotides Exon1s and BAMA (Fig. 1A) detecting all mRNAs. Bands representing mRNAs are indicated. M represents the molecular weight marker. Gapdh amplification was used as a control. D, RT-PCR performed on cytoplasmic RNA extracted from HeLa cells transfected with HIV-1 subgenomic plasmids pNL13a7 (w) or pNL13a7sd1 (sd1) in the absence or presence of CMV promoter-driven plasmid-expressing SRp40. Oligonucleotides Exon1s and BAMA (Fig. 1A) were used to detect all HIV-1 mRNAs. The bands representing mRNAs are indicated. M represents the molecular weight marker.