Fig. 5.
Light stimulates movement in Opn4+/+ and Opn4+/− pups, but not in Opn4−/− littermates. Movement was quantified as the distance the centroid of the pup's image traveled during the 60 s test periods (Materials and Methods). Mice were placed in the chamber for periods of 2–5 min in darkness. Distances during the 60-s period before (dark bars) and after light onset (light bars) are plotted for Opn4+/+ (n = 11), Opn4+/− (n = 20), and Opn4−/− (n = 9) mice. Results from P7–P9 aged animals are grouped together. Statistically significant differences between light and dark were observed in the Opn4+/+ and Opn4+/− mice (P < 0.001). No statistically significant light–dark differences were observed in the Opn4−/− mice (P > 0.05). Posttest analysis (Bonferroni) revealed no statistical differences between distances traversed in darkness of +/+, +/−, or −/− littermates. Error bars represent SEM.